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A lot of topics around the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework
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Introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework (German video)

2022-06-03 Video CAF L100 Niels Ophey

A quick tour of the Cloud Adoption Framework…

Many companies start their journey to the cloud and are looking for a travel guide. Of course, there are guided tours by experienced Microsoft partners, but there is also the travel guide peppered with many examples – the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.

This step-by-step process model helps companies to take their journey to the cloud in many small steps to master the big goal of “digital transformation”. But let’s stay in the picture of the travel guide:

An important first step when planning a trip is always , “Where do we actually want to go?” and what criteria do we have to determine our destination. Is it a certain place that we have always wanted to visit, is it the circumstances or maybe the budget where exactly our destination will be?

Once we know where the journey should go, we can deal with an initial planning and see which means of transport we can use to get there. We can think about the accommodation we need and we can determine in which time window we will start our journey. When all this is clear, we become more concrete and really prepare everything to tackle the journey. Book the trip, the accommodation and other fixed points during our trip.

And before we start the actual journey, we make sure that we have everything at hand, the passports are still valid and maybe even start to set and monitor our budget for the holiday. And at the latest for the next trip, or maybe even on the journey, the cycle starts all over again, when we plan a trip or are already thinking about the next destination.